On Tuesday (8/17/10) we took Levi to the beach and took over 300 photos and videos on my iPhone... the following photo blog is a sufficient summary of the day.

When we first got there we took a look at the beautiful day.

Exploring the beach both near...

...and far

Found a rock

Let the digging begin.

And Continue

Levi likes to help daddy make sand castles.

"This is how you make it smooth daddy"

"And how to destroy them when you are finished!"

Half-pint half buried!

"Mommy, that's not how you wear it."

"this is!"

Family diggin

Downward facing dog - yoga pose

Beach bum!

More diggin


"Wa wa?"


one second after this photo, Levi took a head over heals plunge into the water and, thus ended his water fun for the day!

After a day at the beach, no beach trip is complete without dinner at Camp 18 on the way home! It is a restaurant/old logging museum and I think used to be a site for a logging mill decades ago. When I was young we used to always stop here on the way home and eat, so we took Levi.

Levi liked to color (which means he dumped the bucket of crayons then picked them up and put them back in only to redump the bucket. This went on till most were on the floor and the waitress had to help pick them up because they were in her way.... Sorry waitress!)

Outside they had many carvings from wood, and Levi found Smokey the Bear, and learned that
only HE could prevent forest fires!

He also found a new friend, the logger!

Levi stared at this guy and wouldn't look a way for a while! (there is a video at the bottom too that is funny!)

And of course Levi didn't let this guy out of sight! (another funny video at the bottom)

Bigger view of the restaurant.

Old machinery

An old crane.

An old mill I think....

Other ancient pieces.

Big ol' Wagon.

Little ol' Levi

Old fire engine!
Over all, our trip was a huge success, we played on the beach at Cannon Beach, then looked at shops. We then went to Seaside and walked around and went to the beach. When Levi looked like he could handle no more, we left went to Camp 18 then home. It was a wonderful trip for the three (or four) of us and was relaxing too! Thanks for checking in on our little trip, hope you enjoy the videos below as well!