So, I know I am not the best about updating our blog, especially with more than here is an update on us!
Jeff is still working at Costco, splitting time between two stores. He is also a private contractor for a pharmacy staffing center and fills in days with them. He has been very busy between these two companies and it's great to finally have some money coming in! Jeff has also been busy with getting licensed. He is now a licensed pharmacist in Oregon and Washington.
With his busy work schedule, Jeff was able to get a couple days off to go fishing for our friend Jeremy's birthday. They did a chartered fishing trip in the ocean one day and spent the next day finishing in a local river. Although they didn't catch much, they were able to get some much needed male bonding. Here are a few pictures from their trip.

As for me, the pregnancy is going well. We know that we are having another little boy and are very excited. Jeff's family is mostly boys, so I think his mom and grandma are secretly hoping the technician was wrong about the sex, but they are just as excited as us. We have not decided on a name yet, but still have a few months to figure that one out. Baby Dub 2 (or Ditto as my sister lovingly calls him) is due February 26th. I am having a c-section this time due to complications with Levi, so that has been scheduled for February 21st. This is my mom's birthday so she is very excited for the arrival of this grandchild. Here is the only belly picture we have for now.

Outside of the pregnancy, there is not much excitement on my side. I am still loving being home with Levi and trying to find ways to wrangle his energy now that the weather has turned. I have joined Bible Study Fellowship and MOPS which give me some great me/adult time which is always needed. Outside of that, we are finding all of the indoor play areas that we can.
Now that I have bore you with the updates on Jeff and me, I'll get to the real reason you all read this blog...Levi.
Levi is still growing like crazy. At his 18 month check up, he was off the charts for his height and 75% for weight. He is 3 feet tall and weighs 28 lbs. For those of you without kids, that's the size of the average 2 year old. He still loves to eat. I ofter hear "chewy" (cookie), "nanny" (banana), and "babble" (apple) as Levi is asking for food.
Levi still has a shoe obsession. He always has to be wearing shoes and insists that most people have shoes on as well. A couple of weeks ago, we were visiting my sister in Tacoma and they had a house full of high school kids over. They all took their shoes off at the door and were visiting when Levi began passing out all the shoes to the was pretty funny. His favorite new shoes are his "Melmo" (Elmo) boots. He also loves to wear Jeff and my shoes. His favorite are my knee high (or thigh high on him) leather boots. He is pretty good at walking around in them, even with the 3 inch heels!
That is the update on us. Here are a few last pictures from the last couple of months.
The big brother
Levi playing in his toy closet
Levi sleeping in the "car bed" at Grandma's house. Can you see him at the very top of the bed?