We find that, as we move from the excitement of new things in our life to the satisfaction of life becoming more routine and predictable, we have a deeper appreciation for some sort of normalcy. I love the experience of getting to know how to live with my wife! I am finally able to sleep well through the night (please refer to 'The things a husband learns...' #2). I am starting to know when she is not feeling well (some say all the time) and when she is upset with me (or about to be). I can sometimes diffuse the situation before it starts to happen (i.e I stop being a brat). I am also starting to know what little things i can do to make her feel loved and like a beautiful princess (like putting love notes in her lunch). I am becoming more and more like a husband every day. She is becoming more and more like a wife every day. Yet, there are still a lot of things that are still left to learn.
Which brings me to my next point: I remember a day when I used to be able to do things on my own. When did I become so dependant on someone? Suddenly, and without warning, there seems to be this phenomenon where I can't do simple things anymore (like laundry, and making my lunch, and going out by myself). Laundry seems to have been totally erased from my memory and suddenly my wife is well versed in it. Wierd! Also, what is this whole 'going out by myself makes me feel lonely' bit? It used to be called relaxing, or just getting away from things (I am aware that some older couples have a theory that this will reverse itself the longer we are married... we will see). There also seems to be some kind of exchange program going on now. For example, cooking extra food and taking out the trash more often somehow results in other things getting done, like dishes and that whole laundry thing that was mentioned. In a way it is really kind of cool, it is kind of like a functional family. A family (abeit a small one) that has each-other's backs. What a nouvelle thought in todays society. Who'd have thought that could happen? It is comforting to know that I get to spend the rest of my life with the same person and I get to experience every thing that life has to offer with her.
It is a strange thought to realize how far we have come toward loving each other and yet, knowing that in the in the scheme of things, "we ain't seen nothin' yet!" I am sure most people who have been married more than two months and are reading this are probably thinking... "just wait! The hard times are coming, then let's see how you feel!"
All I have to say to that is.... "Bring it on! I am in this for the long Haul!"
Which brings me to my next point: I remember a day when I used to be able to do things on my own. When did I become so dependant on someone? Suddenly, and without warning, there seems to be this phenomenon where I can't do simple things anymore (like laundry, and making my lunch, and going out by myself). Laundry seems to have been totally erased from my memory and suddenly my wife is well versed in it. Wierd! Also, what is this whole 'going out by myself makes me feel lonely' bit? It used to be called relaxing, or just getting away from things (I am aware that some older couples have a theory that this will reverse itself the longer we are married... we will see). There also seems to be some kind of exchange program going on now. For example, cooking extra food and taking out the trash more often somehow results in other things getting done, like dishes and that whole laundry thing that was mentioned. In a way it is really kind of cool, it is kind of like a functional family. A family (abeit a small one) that has each-other's backs. What a nouvelle thought in todays society. Who'd have thought that could happen? It is comforting to know that I get to spend the rest of my life with the same person and I get to experience every thing that life has to offer with her.
It is a strange thought to realize how far we have come toward loving each other and yet, knowing that in the in the scheme of things, "we ain't seen nothin' yet!" I am sure most people who have been married more than two months and are reading this are probably thinking... "just wait! The hard times are coming, then let's see how you feel!"
All I have to say to that is.... "Bring it on! I am in this for the long Haul!"