Our lives have changed quite a bit since our last post! Since then, Kat and I have experienced our first move together. I must say, i know that i had "junk" before, but it seems like i have a lot more of it now! Combining my "junk" with Katherines Stuff and throwing in all of the lovely wedding presents that we got plus a few extra items that we have managed to acuire in the last six months, gave us the privelidge of getting to use a Uhaul that was two sizes up from the last one. Yay! (Now for the shocker... it was only ten dollars more to rent!) They must give you a discount for accumulating more stuff, because i know that i have at least 4 times (yeah can you believe it?) more stuff than i have ever had in my life and still just only 10 more dollars.... What a great price, and .... Only in america!

Another thing that has changed, as many of you may know, is that I have resigned from my job to pursue other avenues in life... (i.e. I quit my job to go back to school). It has only been a week since i have left work and Katherine is already calling me her "House Husband," i knew it had to come sooner or later! I start my Doctorate of Pharmacy at Pacific University on August 27th, and am very excited to do so. It will be a long 3 years, but well worth the effort. I have just a few short weeks to rest, get the house set up, and prepare mentally for this long journey. During this time I have started many (and even finished a few) projects around the house, such as... Staining my new desk a Dark Walnut stain, installing an Air Conditioner, putting together our new BBQer, fishing, etc. That was just last week. I have to say that I like my new free time, but, as with all good things, this too must come to an end some time.

We also have exciting news, we have a new addition to the Wiedemann household....
Yes, it is a baby....
...a baby kitty that is! Her name is Sierra, and she likes to get into everything, especially our plants. But, she is quickly learning that a squirt bottle filled with water is her new nemesis, at least when she does naughty things.
1 comment:
Poor whiskers--kicked out in the cold for a younger, hipper model. Oh well, at least the new one has a more creative name! :)
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