Weight: 16 lbs 13 oz (He was 8 lbs 5 oz at birth so he has doubled his birth weight)
Height: 27 in (compared to 21 inches at birth. He has grown half a foot!)
That puts him at 98% for his height and 87% for his weight. He is a healthy boy!
His new doctor said that he was doing great. He is growing, happy, and interactive. He talks all the time, makes fun noises, even coughs just because he likes the noise. He is rolling over, and trying to sit up. He also is teething! Can you believe it? I see one tooth ready to come which means he chews on everything and puts everything in his mouth. It is pretty funny.
One of the cutest new things is Levi now copying us. He tries to copy the faces we make, the things we do, and even the noises we make. Here is an adorable video of Levi copying Jeff. He loves Daddy so much. His face just lights up when he sees him and he has all kinds of fun. Check out the video.
He are a couple of pictures as well so you can see how much he has grown.

Mom says,
He is so cute and definatly healthy. But most of a ll a Love.
He is so cute!! I cannot believe he is teething already!! I miss my little man.
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