We have been a little incognito lately and for all of that, sorry. Sometimes life throws a few curve balls and we get busy...
Its catch up time!
In lieu of forgetting a few Two Foto Tuesdays, we are posting the following!!
Thanks for enjoying our little one with us.
Tonight is the first night Levi gets to sleep in his "Cars" toddler bed... wish us luck!
Levi out climbing up with his friend Conner.
All by himself too!
Yes, Levi... This is the best place to put your chair. Good view huh?
Levi at the petting zoo!
Levi really liked the petting zoo! He tried to kiss a lot of animals!
Levi Vs. the Landry.
Guess who won!
This concludes our little edition of Catch up!
We will return to our regularly scheduled programming next week!
Its catch up time!
In lieu of forgetting a few Two Foto Tuesdays, we are posting the following!!
Thanks for enjoying our little one with us.
All by himself too!
This concludes our little edition of Catch up!
We will return to our regularly scheduled programming next week!
What a great group of pictures! I love the action shot of him with Connor, he is a serious mover and shaker. And the pictures of "He...climbed...all...the...way..up" are crazy!! That kid is unstoppable. I mean, Corban is cool and all, but Levi just may think he's kinda lame next time they hang out. lol
Loved these
Too bad mom didn't get a picture of him with her underwear on his head. That would have been priceless.
These are great!
This is a great post! I love the pictures of Levi vs. the Laundry!
Grandma says,
Actually I did get a picture of him with my underwear on his head and riding a John Deer Tractor!! However it is on my phone and if I knew how to get it to this post, I would. Still the chair on the playground toy is amazing!! I love you buddy.
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