I want to take a little time to tell all of you about the amazing husband I have and the great day he gave me. I had no idea what Jeff was planning but the day ended up great.
I woke up a

t 7 AM because Levi was awake. I didn't want to get up but Jeff wasn't moving. I was a little annoyed, since it was Mother's Day, but I got up to get Levi. As I entered the room, I noticed why Jeff did not get up. In Levi's crib, laying next to him, was a gift with a card for Mommy. I picked him up and took him into the living room. Jeff entered right after that and I opened my present. Levi went to Jared! Inside was a beautiful necklace with a Venecian glass pendant. It was gorgeous. The picture to the left is me wearing the pendant, although it is hard to see.
After this we left for church for our last Sunday before we move. Pastor had us come up front and announced us leaving and prayed for us as we begin this new journey. This is very sweet and it was great to say goodbye to everybody.
Next it was off to Saturday Market. I haven't been all year and wanted to go one last time before we moved. This trip was made perfect by some Portland made chocolate and then it was off to our house for a little break.
The evening was made complete by a surprise dinner at Saltys. This was amazing! We were right by the window overlooking the Columbia. They were having an all day Mother's Day

brunch. And even more amazing...Levi was asleep for most of it so we were able to eat...both of us at the same time. This is a rare treat. Once Levi work up, Jeff took him so I could finish eating, what a guy. We enjoyed a great dinner and ended it with a superb dessert buffet complete with a chocolate fountain. I really need to get one of those.
So, it was a great day. My husband spoiled me and I loved every minute of it. It was also fun being with all of the other moms. It's like you are part of a new club. We all understand how much work it is to be a mom. But, it is worth all the work. I love being a mom. I love having a son. I can't believe how much my life has changed but I would not change it for the world! I am so happy and so content and so excited for the future.