Weight: 19 lbs 2 oz (76%)
Height: 29 1/4 in (99%)
That's our little boy...still growing like crazy. However, since he is more mobile he is thinning out a little. And boy is he mobile! Check out this video.
He is officially crawling and nothing is safe. The least safe things are daddy's computer, any cup with liquid, and Britten (Linda and Mickey's dog). Although Levi and Britten are sharing chew toys which is pretty fun. The other day I caught Levi chewing on Britten's flat cat. I know it's a little gross but I had to take a picture before taking it out of his mouth.

Levi has also recently taken an interest in Dancing with the Stars. He has been working on his audition. Here is his latest tape. He has great moves and really gets down with the music.
Here are a few pictures so you can all see how he is changing and growing. He is talking a lot, moving a lot, and so curious. He is even trying to pull himself up. I love being a mom and have enjoyed these last six months so much. I cannot wait for the next six to see how much more he changes. Here are a few more pictures so you can see our little man.

All smiles at the grocery store.