While Jeff is at work every day learning to be a pharmacist, I am learning a little

ething of my own. Linda, the woman we are living with, has taught me how to can. That's right...I said it. I am canning. Who would have thought? Linda has an amazing garden and we have canned tomatoes, beans, peas, peaches, jam, and pears are to come!
I always thought canning was really difficult, but it's really not. Once you learn how, it's pretty simple, as long a

s you don't blow yourself up with the pressure cooker! So far so good though. Green beans were the hardest because there is so much prep work. Tomatoes and peaches are the easiest because you don't have to peel them. I never knew you could dip them in boiling water and the skins come right off. Pretty cool, huh?
So, I have been spending my days prepping, cooking, and

canning. In addition, I have been making all of Levi's baby food. Applesauce, peas, beans, bananas, cantaloupe, and carrots. So far, he likes everything except for carrots. He has tried them a few times and spit them out each time. It's really fun and I really like it. I just freeze it and take it out as I need it.
I'm really enjoying being home with Levi and seeing what all I can do. It is so rewarding to see all of the food that I can make and everything I can do from canning to making baby food to making his diapers. It is really fun. Betty Crocker has nothing on me!
That's awesome! Those pictures are great. Now I know who to call, when I need to learn how to can everything.
Miss you!
Jen Newsham
Kat. I am soo proud of your domesticity. that's great! I'm learning to sew! I'm headed up there this weekend I'll call you to see if we can get together!
I'm surprised Danielle hasn't weighed in on this post yet! She and you are in the running for Miss Homemaker 2009!
I love these pics as well. I laughed at the first one because Linda wouldn't stop talking long enough to get a picture taken. Haha and I love the last one with the spoon. It's like you're saying, "These are for my baby! If you get tooo close I will show you what asses is fo!"
Love you
Great posts, you are a wonderful writer. Thanks for sharing!
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